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University of Connecticut Assistive Technology Oral History Project

Collin Wheeler

TASH (Technical Aids and Systems for the Handicapped)

Date: January 28-31, 2009

Collin joined the Canadian company TASH (Technical Aids and Systems for the Handicapped) in 1985. He was told it was a not for profit corporation, but he said "They never told me to run it as such.

Collin began looking outside Canada and began exporting to the United States, and fairly soon to Europe.

He offered the TASH employees a chance to buy into the company, which lead to a buy-out in August of 1996, and he became owner of the company.

Tash designed devices began to be sold through out the world. Tash switches for wheelchairs were particularly popular.

The company was sold to AbleNET in April of 2008.  By the time of the ATIA 2009 Conference in Orlando, Collin had retired and this was going to be his very last AT conference. In light of that, I considered myself extremely lucky to be able to interview him that day.

Snippet 1: "How did you get started in the disability field?" (2:40)

Snippet 2: "How would you like to end this interview?" (1:44)

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